Last year, Uncharted spanned a series of thoughtfully curated evenings where attendees encountered critical new ideas and perspectives, were inspired to think differently, and engaged in meaningful dialogue with fellow curious souls.
Each of our events were designed to allow attendees to connect with others and take them on a journey—from understanding where we are, to discovering our shared connections, and charting a new course.
October 29, 2020
How much do you spend on groceries? We have entered into an unspoken agreement with our grocery stores: give us cheap prices and we'll look the other way.
Frances Donald to takes you on a tour of how you play a role in macroeconomics and share stories that might change your life.
Sara Mojtehedzadeh shares why we need to start making the invisible visible if we want to understand just why essential workers matter.
November 26, 2020
Do you feel as though you are able to make real change? In this talk, Kofi Hope, a social entrepreneur and change maker, explores the role of the individual vs the community.
Do you know what allyship looks like? Catherine Hernandez unpacks what it means to feel allyship in the body, mind, and soul.
February 4, 2021
For acclaimed actor Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, shaping your own identity starts with freeing yourself from the idea that we are beholden to what others expect of us. Paul reflects on his journey and the impact of success on his sense of self.
Lydia-Joi Marshall, a Toronto-based researcher and President of the Black Health Alliance, talks about the research behind disparate health outcomes for Black Canadians, focusing on the day-to-day toll of racist interactions.
We need to fight climate change, but to do so we must focus on fighting the real culprit. Phil De Luna, Director at the National Research Council in Canada, takes us on a journey to understand why we need to get to net-zero carbon emissions and what it will take to get us there.
Every person will need to be cared for at some point in their lives. What if we could revolutionize the way we think about care to deliver more dignified support? Dive into the ways that elder, disability and injury care is delivered with Chenny Xia, founder of GotCare as she breaks down the system we’ve created.
March 4, 2021
Being an explorer means paying attention to the edges of the unknown that lie all around us, accessible without a plane ticket or a passport. Jason van Bruggen has travelled the world to document the vulnerability of our ecosystems and the people who live within them, illuminating the strength and fragility of our planet.
Our relationship with big technology companies is out of balance. Taking a deep dive into the history of laws and markets, Gillian Hadfield argues that in order to restore trust in Big Tech, we need rules that are as innovative as our technology companies.
Do you have a parent or grandparent that speaks a language that you do not? What does it feel like to be connected to a country, civilization, or culture but not be able to speak or hear its stories in the native language? Ryan DeCaire is a Kanien'kéha (Mohawk) speaker who believes that to repair, revitalize, and reconnect with a language, you, and other people like you, must make the conscious choice to speak.